10 Hours
10 Hours Total Length
Communication: How to Buy Clothes in a Clothes Shop and Grammar: Formation of Gerund and Estar + Gerund
Communication: Asking for the Price or for an Opinion on Clothes and Grammar: Pronouns for Direct and Indirect Complements
Culture: Spanish Fashion
Communication: Speaking about Future Intentions and Grammar: IR a + Infinitive, Pensar + Infinitive and Future Tense
Communication: Booking a Table at a Restaurant, Ordering a Meal, and Describing a Dish and Grammar: Acabar De + Infinitive, Volver a + Infinitive, Quedar/Quedarse
Grammar: Future Tense Markers and Culture: Geography of Latin America
Communication: Speaking about Past Habits and Grammar: Pretérito Imperfecto De Indicativo, Pretérito Perfecto and Formation of Participles
Communication: Speaking about the Past in Relation to the Present
Culture: Geopolitical Presentation of Some Countries and Communication: Speaking about Past Events Without Relation to the Present and Grammar: Pretérito Indefinido De Indicativo With Regular and Irregular Verbs
Communication: Ordering Events in the News or in a Tale and Grammar: How to Order and Connect the Parts of a Tale and Culture: Pre-Columbian Cultures and the Spanish Conquest