12 Hours
12 Hours Total Length
Background Understandings of Script Writing: the Tractable Rulebook and An Evaluation of Aims and Objectives
Theatre I: Exploration of Selected Plays - Form, Structure, Dialogue and Playwrights
Theatre II: Selected Text and Subsequent Learnings
Theatre III: Writing Exercise, Sharing and Evaluation
Television I: Exploration of Selected Scripts - Form, Structure, Dialogue and Genre
Television II: Selected Text and Subsequent Learnings
Television III: Writing Exercise, Sharing and Evaluation
Screenplays I: Exploration of Selected Screenplays - Form, Structure, Dialogue and Genre
Screenplays II: Selected Text and Subsequent Learnings
Screenplays III: Writing Exercise, Sharing and Evaluation
Focused I: Additional Advanced Class on Chosen Subject (Short Story, Poetry, Creative Non-Fiction)
Focused II: Final Writing Exercise, Sharing and Expanded Evaluation