12 Hours
12 Hours Total Length
Using and Interpreting Algebraic Notation and Substituting Numerical Values Into Formulae and Expressions
Understanding and Using: Equations, Formulae, Identities, Inequalities, Terms and Factors
Simplifying and Manipulating Algebraic Expressions
Interpreting Inverse and Composite Functions
Recognising, Sketching and Interpreting Linear Functions
Recognising, Sketching and Interpreting Quadratic Functions
Recognising, Sketching and Interpreting Simple Cubic Functions and the Reciprocal Function
Recognising, Sketching and Interpreting Exponential Functions
Recognising, Sketching and Interpreting Trigonometric Functions
Sketching Translations and Reflections of a Given Function
Calculating and Estimating Gradients of Graphs and Areas Under Graphs
Recognising and Using the Equation of a Circle
Mathematical Reasoning
Extended Mathematical Skills
Algebra and Functions
Interpreting Results