10 Hours
10 Hours Total Length
Growing Up With the Dursleys: The Impact of Mistreatment and Emotional Neglect on Harry
The Mediating Effect of Harry's Relationship With the Weasley Family
Harry's Quest for an Attachment Figure: Hagrid, Sirius and Dumbledore
The Death of Ariana Dumbledore and Albus' Subsequent Emotional Unavailability
Tom Riddle and His Transformation into Lord Voldemort
Harry and Voldemort: Similarities and Differences in Response to Childhood Neglect
Snape's Formative Childhood and Teenage Experiences
Snape's Fixation with Lily and his Relationship with Harry
The Golden Trio: The Family Harry Never Had
Harry Post 'Harry Potter': Harry as a Parent and Husband
Attachment Theory
Inferring Information
Critical Thinking
Drawing Connections